Sunday, August 01, 2010

The Rest

Hey, toss me that piano!
Please, hit me in the face with that rake!
Let's spend the rest of our lives together!
There are a lot of phrases
that I never thought I would say
Or to be more precise
That I ever thought I would mean
Sometimes it makes me nervous
When I stop to think about how little
I really know about "forever"
Waiting for the bell to ring
Watching "Gone With The Wind"
That's what it used to feel like
Forever used to be something endured
Now it's something I look forward to
But come to think of it
We've already known each other
Forever and a day or two
Could it be this is only Act Two?
And it all began with those two words:
Why not?
So toss me another piano,
while I duck the swing of the rake
and I'll be seeing you
for the rest of our lives

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