Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Pandora's Well

The best hope for stopping the flow of oil from the blown-out well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico has been compared to hitting a target the size of a dinner plate with a drill more than two miles into the earth. What a relief. At least it's not a salad plate.
This attempt will work, according to scientists and the folks at BP. It may take a few weeks, but it will work. The leak will be plugged by August, the experts tell us. This works in favor of the corporation and the government, since we as Americans tend to dial down our outrage after a few months. We're pretty much over Tiger Woods these days, for example. You can only watch so many hours of video taken of brown sludge pouring out into the Gulf of Mexico before it becomes background noise. After all, the target they're trying to hit is the size of a dinner plate. Shouldn't we be patient?
Nope. They dug the hole they're trying to fill. Someone somewhere should have had a notion about how to deal with the potential ecological catastrophe they were generating. BP should have been every bit as interested in capping that well as they were in opening it in the first place. That is what is missing from this "I dunno" shrug-of-the-shoulders response. Meeting with the president at the White House won't keep the slick from spreading. In the meantime, Fox News would like us to know that boycotting BP gas stations would only be hurting small businesses, but hey, they just report. We decide.
But if they're sincere about looking into a solution for this problem, I suggest putting the problem back in the hands of our youth. I have watched my son navigate through storms of flying debris and attacking robots to achieve his goal. I know that given the proper joystick and a forty-inch monitor, he could drop a plug in that hole and probably get the high score.

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