Friday, March 05, 2010


The Republican National Committee let one slip the other day. Some hapless underling or distracted overlord left a seventy-two page document in a hotel room, detailing the Grand Old Party's Master Plan to take over the world. Again. Without giving too much away, the scheme as they see it in 2010 is to play on fear. Nothing new for those of us who are used to being told that every Democratic vote is another win for the terrorists, but this one pushes that pile of icky stuff one notch closer to the sewer.
In particular, one of the graphics depicts the Obama administration as "The Evil Empire," including the infamous image of President Obama made over in the makeup Heath Ledger used in his performance as the Joker. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears as Cruella De Vil, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is Scooby-Doo. I get the criminal mastermind connection to the President, and how Ms. Pelosi might be seen as a Disney villain, but Scooby-Doo? If Droopy Dog hadn't already been assigned in perpetuity to Joe Lieberman, then that might have been a better "get," cartoon canine-wise.
But really, is this how desperate Michael Steele and company have become? I confess that my own characterizations of the Pinhead administration not only strayed from the respectful, but set up camp there and made a pretty nice living. The difference is, this is the official party line. The one with the embossed red, white and blue elephant on it. Worse still, they aren't content simply mocking the other party. These guys are taking pot-shots at their own major donors, referring to them as "ego-driven" and easily pleased with "tchochkes" like key rings and fleece throws. That illusory distance between the Tea Party and the Republican Party is shrinking by the minute.
The Republican National Committee wants you to help stem the tide of creeping socialism, brought on by Batman's arch-enemy and a lady who wears a coat made of puppies. And a guy who will pass the health care bill for a Scooby snack. If you send them a bunch of money, they might laugh at you behind your back, but they'll send you some cool stuff.

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