Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Would You Like Fries With That?

If you spent any quality time with your television set, as I did, over the past couple of weeks, you may have been made aware of the incredible story of Christine. She's the young lady who, against all odds, managed to lose fifty-four pounds just by eating from the drive-thru menu at Taco Bell. There are plenty of "after" photos that help illuminate this incredible story of determination, hope, and soft tacos.
Does it remind you a little of the courageous tale of Jared, who lost two hundred and forty-five pounds on a diet of two Subway sandwiches a day. Downright inspirational, wouldn't you say? The notion that I could be sitting here on my couch, savoring my fast food meal, watching other people exert themselves on TV, and losing weight I find very stirring. Not enough to get up and exercise, but in a very spiritual way.
Of course, the fine print is really the problem. Both Jared and Christine suggest a reduced calorie diet as well as reducing fat intake along with moderate exercise to achieve the results they did. In fine print. Fast Food could be your salvation. There's even a web site that will tell you how you can eat Big Macs, Whoppers, "even pizza" and still lose weight. They won't tell you all the secrets online, but you can buy their e-book and get all the details. Want to bet that they suggest that you can eat anything you want as long as you limit the fat and calories along with moderate exercise?
Morgan Spurlock ate only McDonald's for thirty days and it nearly killed him. Of course, it also gave him a career. Jared has been on Oprah and Larry King. He gets to hang around with Michael Strahan as they fight childhood obesity. Maybe Christine can go on the road with Paris Hilton washing cars. You know, for kids.

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