Monday, December 14, 2009

Time The Avenger

The fact that time has slowed to a crawl may have something to do with the days getting longer. It may have something to do with the fact that I am struggling to fight off a cold. My right side feels spry and ready to get on with the day, but my left is full of goo and consequently I am listing somewhat to port. I suppose the Seattle-ish weather is contributing to the overall dullness of the outlook around here, but it still doesn't explain exactly how extra hours seem to get mixed into my days.
I woke up at seven on Sunday, and it was another eleven hours until lunch. That doesn't seem right. I think it probably has something to do with the relative proximity of Winter Break. They are squeezing extra days into the week, and slipping minutes into the hours that make up those days. "They." The wicked minions of Chronos. The ones responsible for making my life feel as though I am walking through pudding.
I know that things will only get sludgier as we approach the end of this week. I fully expect that the Christmas Assembly on Thursday will run somewhere in the neighborhood of eighteen hours, including the extended dance remix of "Mele Kalikimaka" sung by Kindergartners. Taking a nap somewhere during the last act would only prolong the experience.
But then, I know that it will end. Time will, as it always has, march on., and I will be released from the vortex that now surrounds me. Friday is coming, right after Wimthersday.

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