Monday, December 28, 2009

Master Of My Domain

I don't have to wait until next week to find out who wins my division. I have already won. I am speaking now about the Fantasy World, where I have spent the past sixteen weeks fretting and sputtering over the outcome of most every game played in the National Football League. The ones that had players of mine in them as well as those that featured players of my erstwhile opponents. Then there was the additional concern of keeping the rest of my league up to date and on top of things as the season progressed through bye weeks and injured reserve and even the occasional suspension for banned substances. It has been a hectic four months.
Now I can look back on the path that took me to the top, and I wonder just exactly what got me where I am. Back in the days before I became a Fantasy Owner, then a Fantasy Commissioner, I was a one-team guy, and my attentions were fixed on the success of that one franchise week after week. Following that one score was plenty to keep me occupied, outside of the real-world concerns that keep me busy for the other six-or-so days a week. Now I was consumed by statistics and relative performance. Comparing this quarterback's rating versus another, and trying to anticipate how this running back would fare against a particular defense. As the season progressed, I felt the football cortex in my brain begin to swell and itch. I was evolving. I was becoming a champion.
So, here I am. On the top of the heap. I finished off my last opponent, my twelve-year-old son and now anxiously await the virtual trophy that will appear in my virtual trophy case. On the way, I crushed my wife, her brother, my very good friend and my own mother: good sports all. I say this because it was my clever idea to put this whole Fantasy thing together in the first place, and the fact that the Commissioner of the League is also the one who won it all rings just a little hollow. But you'll excuse me if I take just a little satisfaction for the job I just virtually finished, as the team that I tend to root for continues to claw for their playoff lives. They still have another game to play. I'm all done. Virtually.

1 comment:

  1. You were a great commissioner and deserve all the glory of having the winning team (hail Clingons!).

    The congressional investigation will be just a formality...
