Thursday, October 08, 2009

What Are Words For?

Forty-seven percent of Americans surveyed in a Marist College poll found that the word "whatever" was the most annoying when used in conversation. That devil-may-care epithet got almost twice as many votes as "you know," and "anyway" with just seven percent. "It is what it is" had a strong showing at eleven percent, neatly eclipsing "at the end of the day" with just two percent. I confess that I am regularly guilty of using the champion phrase to kill conversation on a regular basis. Try answering any question with "whatever," with the emphasis on the "WHAT." An eye roll couldn't hurt.
Nobody asked me, but I would have included "like" on that list. The one that is used as a place holder, not necessarily as means of comparison. Or the now all-too-familiar epitomizing "all" to connote "totally." Combine these with the aforementioned "you know" and you get some powerful California-speak, as in, "He was all like, you know." Sucking the language dry of any meaning whatsoever.
Speaking of surveys, has just released their list of the forty-nine most influential men of 2009. Number forty-nine is Lance Armstrong, with Peyton Manning showing up forty spots ahead of that. Athletes did fine on this list, as did Hollywood types. The memory of Michael Jackson made the cut, and our newly elected president came in the top three. But the most influential man of 2009? That honor would have to go to Mad Men's Don Draper. Not Jon Hamm, the actor who portrays Don, or the writers who create all the influential things that he says and does, but the fictional character. I'm a fan of the show, but...
wait for it...

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