Friday, October 02, 2009

Reality - What A Concept

Saner minds have now, at last, prevailed. I use the term with some discretion since I understand the situation that I am addressing: TLC network has shut down filming of the children on "Jon & Kate Plus 8" after receiving a cease-and-desist order from their father, Jon Gosselin. Please feel free to take a moment and savor the irony of the full meaning of the network's acronym: The Learning Channel. Apparently it takes a few years for a father's brain to accept the reality of reality TV. Jon sent a cease-and-desist order to the production company, telling them that his home and family would no longer be part of America's fascination.
How pure are his motives? That would be almost impossible to tell, given the way that he has reacted, historically, to the limelight. But what if he really was doing the right thing, at last? Bravo and huzzah, I say to him. Watching the slow-motion train-wreck of your family play out as part of a weekly soap opera is bad enough for grown-ups, but what about these kids? Separation is hard enough without a camera crew following your every misstep. Some people choose not to look at their photo albums or erase their wedding video tapes. The Gosselin kids' formative years are available at your local Best Buy.
Kate said, "I'm saddened and confused by Jon's public media statements. Jon has never expressed any concerns to me about our children being involved in the show and, in fact, is on the record as saying he believes the show benefits our children and was taping on Friday with the kids." Kate, it would seem, is still happy to live out her children's lives on basic cable. Now the show will be called "Kate Plus Eight." No doubt there will be a cage match a brewin' once the Octomom hits the airwaves. The beast that runs the show had this to say: "We are aware of Jon Gosselin's recent statements, and remain deeply disappointed at his continued erratic behavior. He and the family were shooting as recently as last Friday, without incident, and his latest comments are grossly inaccurate, without merit and are clearly opportunistic. Despite Jon Gosselin's repeated self destructive and unprofessional actions, he remains under an exclusive contract with TLC."
I'm am not a network executive, but it seems to me that it is "self destructive and unprofessional" to insist that children be used as ratings bait. Come to think of it, that's probably why I'm not a network executive.


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    As with most of the media: If we don't watch, will they persist?

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    No doubt that Jon wants part a bigger "piece of the action" and that is his motivation. Kate is no better, I'm afraid.

