Friday, September 11, 2009

Pants On Fire

If you’re surprised by the news that Hugh Hefner is divorcing his wife, and former Playmate Kimberley Conrad, then you may have been the one who was surprised by the behavior of Representative Joe Wilson. In the middle of the President’s speech about health care, the congressman shouted "You lie!" after Obama denied that his health care proposal would cover illegal immigrants. While other Republicans sat in the audience with props like BlackBerrys and copies of the Republican health care bill to wave as if they were attending a midnight showing of “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” Joe wasn’t content to simply pantomime his agitation. Wilson is a Representative from South Carolina .
That’s no surprise. Republicans from South Carolina have not exactly been leading the way, decorum-wise, over the past few months. You may remember a certain governor who “went for a hike on the Appalachian Trail,” and ended up canoodling with a woman in Argentina who was not his wife. He has made tearful apologies, but has yet to resign even though a majority of the Republicans in the South Carolina House of Representatives wrote to Sanford demanding his resignation. The Chairwoman of the state’s Republican Party as well as the Republican Lieutenant Governor is ready to ring down the curtain on Sanford’s Reign of Lusty E-Mails and Misappropriation of State Funds.
For the record, in addition to his public apology, Mister Wilson called the White House to apologize. There was no word about an apology to the people of South Carolina , whom he represents. There was also no mention of a “thank-you” from the Democratic Party for bringing thousands of dollars to their 2010 campaign funds, and helping breathe new life into their version of a Health Care Plan. Some things just have to be inferred. Others do not. H.R. 3200, the health-care bill under debate in the House, explicitly prohibits coverage for illegal immigrants. Liar.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Hiking the Appalachian Trail." Is that anything like painting the porch?

