Friday, July 31, 2009


It could be that I feel it more deeply because my younger brother was recognized as "a good shaver" by the folks he teaches art to up in Marin, but I blame Bryant Gumbel. He's the one who first suggested to me that shaving in the shower would be a great way to save time. This was way back in the days when Bryant was the host of the Today Show, and he was describing his morning ablutions in terms of the pre-dawn nature of his job. It made sense to me, and I've been doing it ever since.
Bryant probably had a more effective system than I have. For example, he probably had a mirror in the shower. I don't spend a lot of time examining my reflection when I am out of the steady stream of water, so I guess that's never been a priority. Even if I had a mirror, lighting would be an issue. Bryant probably had all kinds of high-intensity, camera-ready bulbs to help him maximize his shaving capacity. My bathroom has one of those fans that is connected to the light switch. Most days, I get up am up before anyone else in my family. Turning on the light and fan would bring far too much noise and attention to the space between our two bedrooms. Bryant probably has sound-dampening insulation to keep such disruptions to a minimum.
Truth is, shaving has never been that big a priority for me. I know that I can go a couple of days between the scraping of my face, but much longer than that gives me a derelict look that doesn't work well with teaching in a public school. The "shower-shave-by-Braille" technique often gives me a number of little nicks and cuts that the kids spend the first couple hours of the day pointing out to me. Just a little complication of my complication.
Bryant Gumbel no longer hosts the Today Show. For all I know, he has a team of barbers descending on him when he first arrives at the HBO studios, followed by a bevy of trained cosmetologists who paste, powder and sand down any possible imperfections in his visage. I do not. There are probably tens of thousands of people who would notice if Bryant Gumbel cut himself shaving. On a good day, I've got about thirty. And with all that time that I've saved, I can start coming up with some better replies to the question: "What's that red thing on your neck, Mister Caven?"

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