Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Good Old Days

I know that our new president would like us to look forward: forward to a new health-care plan, a balanced budget, a world free from war and fear. But it's still so easy to look back over our collective shoulders and see all the little bumps and swerves that made this road so challenging. Some of them are, to be honest, just a little petty. Forgive me as I wallow for old-time's sake.
Jackson Browne lawsuit was recently settled a lawsuit with John McCain and the Republican Party. Seems that Republicans in Ohio forgot to ask permission to use Browne's song "Running On Empty" in a Web ad mocking Democrat Barack Obama's proposed energy policies. Pretty ironic, coming from a guy who drove across the country in a bus called the "Straight Talk Express." For the record, McCain claimed no prior knowledge of the ad, and asked that it be pulled after Browne complained. "We apologize that a portion of the Jackson Browne song 'Running on Empty' was used without permission," the Grand Old Party's statement said. No word on what the financials were. No word either on when John Mellencamp, Heart, and the Foo Fighters would be getting their apologies, and the world awaits an explanation for the McCain campaign's use of Sam Moore's "Soul Man."
In other news, the previous administration would probably be happy if we just forgot that Pinhead had two daughters too. The twins recently sent a letter to Malia and Sasha Obama, offer advice on how to live in the "magical" White House. Perhaps what they meant was that when you live in in the White House, dreams come true. If those dreams include: Getting the Secret Service had to step in a break up a bar fight that your fiance got into, or get them to take him to Georgetown University Hospital because he got really drunk at a Halloween party, or maybe just purposely try to lose your protection by going through red lights or by jumping in your car without telling agents where you are going. Like they say,"Just go. Four years goes by so fast, so absorb it all, just enjoy it all! Have fun and enjoy your childhood in what is such a magical place to live and play." Just make sure to ask Jackson Browne before you use any of his music.

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