Friday, June 19, 2009

Sporting Chance

Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport: the thrill of victor and the agony of defeat. The human drama of athletic competition, this is Entropical Paradise's Wide World of Sports!
Dateline: Houston, Texas. The NFL now allows individual teams to sell advertising space on their practice jerseys, and the Houston Texans have made it known that they'd like to take advantage of the new policy. Zero Tolerance Entertainment, which makes and distributes hardcore pornography, would like to take advantage of the Houston Texans taking advantage of that policy. My guess is that the Texans will probably wait for a more suitable offer, such as the one being made by the California Lottery to the San Diego Chargers. There's a lot of synergy in this one, as the lottery will release a line of scratch-and-win tickets with the Chargers' logo, while the practice jerseys of the team will sport a three by four inch patch, not unlike those found on the gear of most NASCAR drivers, promoting the lottery. Everybody wins!
In other football news, this time the kind the rest of the world calls "football," at least five Iranian soccer players wore green bands around their wrists or arms during a World Cup qualifying match against South Korea on Wednesday. The bands were a protest against a disputed election back home. The players, including captain Mehdi Mahdavikia, wore green in support of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi. No word yet on what sort of payday these brave souls can expect when they get back to their country, or if they are allowed to return. My guess is that they just might get to keep those green bands. It would make it easier to string them up.

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