Thursday, June 11, 2009

But Will He Work Blue?

There are all kinds of reasons to like our new president, starting with that modifier. He is new. After eight years of clearing brush at the Crawford ranch, it's nice to have a little change. It's also nice to know that this is a guy with a discernible sense of humor. The last guy seemed to think that most everything he said was funny, characterized by his persistent chuckling at his own remarks. Obama seems to "get it," at least in the first few months.
First of all, I give him credit for swinging for the fence. The Reagan-seance bit was a little over the top, and he had to apologize. Likewise his Special Olympics quip on Leno. I give him credit for being funnier than his host, at least. But I guess that's what happens when you leave the relative comfort and safety of the teleprompter.
Then there was his appearance on "The Colbert Report." Do you remember when Stephen Colbert showed up at the 2006 White House Correspondent's Dinner? I remember his speech as being very funny, but the powers that be at the time were unamused. It was kind of the opposite from "you had to be there." Maybe that's why when our new president showed up via satellite to admonish Mister Colbert in Baghdad, it played so well. As commander-in-chief, he ordered General Ray Odierno, the commander of the multinational forces in Iraq to "cut that man's hair", explaining he was a "man who understands the appeal of a close crop." For his part, Colbert did shock and awe well, asking how he got wind of his appearance in Iraq. "Do our intelligence satellites really work that well?"
"No," replied the president, "but my ears do." This is a funny guy. Now if we can just get some laughs out of the economy.

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