Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nine Hundred Ninety-Six Left To Go

When you teach elementary school, you always make a big deal about one hundred days. When you're a kid, especially one who isn't even two digits old, a three digit number is very impressive. It's also a way for the grown-ups to note that the school year is more than half over. It's a good place to stop and survey what has been learned.
Barack Obama has lived through a couple of trimesters himself now, and the report cards are starting to trickle in. It's hard for me to see this as anything more than a progress report, since one hundred days amounts to just a fraction of a fraction of his term in office, but in the spirit of assessment, I thought I should deliver my own clear-headed analysis.
Not George W. Bush: He gets very high marks in this area.
Presidential Pet: I would have liked to have seen a rescue dog in the White House, but he gets extra Dad points for delivering on his election night promise to his daughters.
First Lady: This one is kind of a no-brainer. Can you imagine Hilary or Laura hanging with the Jonas Brothers?
Presidential Gifts: I understand we're in a recession and all, but couldn't we have done better than a bunch of DVDs for the Prime Minister of England or an iPod for the Queen? At least it was engraved.
Presidential Humor: Nancy Reagan and seances? Bowling and Special Olympics? Shame, shame shame.
Regular Guy Humor: Still funnier than Leno.
Hoops: It's good to know that if the battle for world domination comes down to a game of one-on-one, he's got a pretty sweet baseline shot.
Music: Big points for bringing the Boss along, but he has yet to issue a presidential order banning Lady Gaga.
War And Peace: Still have too much of one and not enough of the other. Plenty of room to improve.
Extra Credit: Global Economic Crisis, two wars, swine flu epidemic, and Alex Rodriguez is on the DL. How can one man keep all these balls in the air? Oh, did I mention that he's not George W. Bush?

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