Monday, March 23, 2009

What's The Pontiff It All?

Nobody asked me, and it's probably none of my business since I have no particular religious affiliation, but I think the Pope is off his nut. That is to say I believe that that pointy hat may be concealing an even pointier head. For most of my adult life, I have been quietly pleased and happy with the work of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II. Maybe it's because he's named after one of my favorite song-writing teams, or perhaps it's because he worked to bring about more understanding and thought among the world's religions. He was a uniter, not a divider.
Pope Benedict XVI, though named for a very tasty egg dish, has little of John Paul's public demeanor. This is the gentleman who recently told reporters, "You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, it increases the problem." The "it" in question is the AIDS epidemic, and his comments were made en route to Africa, the continent estimated to have more than sixty percent of the world's AIDS-infected population. He also said that 2009 will be "The Year of Africa." For those who survive.
I know that Benedict has the same party line as John Paul when it comes to condoms, but this comes fast on the heels of the excommunication in Brazil of doctors who performed an abortion on a nine-year-old girl who had become pregnant after being raped by her stepfather, along with family members who sought the abortion. If the father had used a condom, would souls have been spared?
On the flip-side, a bishop who had denied the Holocaust saying that historical evidence "is hugely against 6 million Jews having been deliberately gassed," had his excommunication lifted back in January. For the Vatican, there is a line between heresy and lying, and they are keenly aware of the difference, regardless how it may seem to us out here leading less-than-Catholic existences. While in Angola, the Pope took a stand against sorcery. The faculty of Hogwarts Academy could not be reached for comment. Meanwhile, two teenage girls were killed in a stampede at a youth rally for the Pope in Angola on Saturday. No contraceptives were involved.

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