Saturday, November 01, 2008

Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head

"Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets." Travis Bickle
Travis was talking about the Mean Streets of New York City, but he may have been on to something. Outside, the sky has opened up and there is currently a swirl of water rising up to the curb on the street in front of our house. The real rain is here. Last night's candy wrappers are making their way toward storm drains that haven't seen moisture for months. Our driveway has once again became a major tributary. The scum isn't all gone just yet, but there air is full of raindrops and change.
Travis wasn't referring to California's ongoing drought, or the relative ineffectiveness of the NYC Public Works. He was pointing a finger at the urban decay that he saw around him. That finger was on a trigger, and it was pointing at a fictional senator running for President of the United States. Then, as abruptly as the downpour began, he shifted his focus and went crashing headlong into rescuing Iris from her life of ill repute. When the smoke clears, Travis is a hero and Senator Palantine is on his way to winning the election. Travis is a hero, but he's still driving his taxi. When we see him last, he drops Betsy off in front of her flat, blows off her fare, and drives off into the streets that have swallowed their share of rain. But what will happen when the sky opens up again?
Outside, it's raining in America. Let's hope for a good, hard rain.

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