Friday, November 07, 2008

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Barack Obama has been president for what, three days? Now all of a sudden the jobless rate is at a fourteen-year high. People are stocking up on guns and ammo. The stock market continues to plummet. And a blizzard is pummeling the Dakotas. What change?
In real life, I know that there are still seventy-some days of Pinhead's reign, but that makes me hungrier for the promise of a new world order. Not the kind we threaten people with, but the kind we reach out and share with the rest of the planet. Still, it was a clever move on Barack's part to say right there on election night that we won't be through all this in a single year, or even a single term. Bringing our troops home from Iraq won't happen overnight. Health care isn't going to up and surrender by reforming itself.
Today at school we were reminded of the realities of our situation. There were a great many little fracases that would have seemed quite natural just a few days ago, but here in Obama's America, it just seemed wrong. Shouldn't all the kids be getting along, safe and happy in the promise that, in fact, any one of them could grow up to be President of the United States? Maybe that's the problem. All of this hope has a natural backlash of feeling at times like a burden. If anything is possible if we work hard enough, then we haven't been working hard enough. Not yet, anyway. We've got seventy-three days to get ready.

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