Friday, August 29, 2008

Raise Your Hand If You're Undecided, Or Don't...

My first take on the McCain announcement of his running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, was this: He can save millions on the federal budget since he will only have to pay her half as much as a man. And then the rest of the stories start filtering through. Palin describes herself as pro-life and against same-sex marriage, although she claims to have good friends who are gay. She supports the teaching of creationism in public schools, alongside evolution and is also a lifelong member of the National Rifle Association. Not that all of these things really paint an accurate portrait of this woman of the wilderness.
John McCain has picked a woman and therefore trumped his opponent who could just as easily have done the same thing. It's a chess game, right? Obama went with age and experience, so McCain did just the opposite. Spin, parry, thrust. Got it. The whole thing just started to make me feel very tired today. Maybe it's hangover from the big rock show at Mile High (Invesco) Stadium, but I don't know how I will be able to listen to two more months of this hullabalo. Are there really that many people out there who need eight weeks to figure this one out? I confess that I have a hard time imagining that my choice would change if they stage any number of debates between presidential candidates, and I have a perverse interest in seeing Governor Palin discuss the finer points of foreign policy with Joe Biden.
But I don't get to make the rules. This campaign is years old now, and I suppose that I can just find something else to occupy my mind while I'm waiting for the polls to open. Thank God for football season.

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