Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Blurred LInes

While President Pinhead was over in Beijing giving out high fives to the U.S. men's basketball team and practicing this beach volleyball skills with the girls, the rest of the world continued on its course. Things were blowing up and people were being shot, but Pinhead got to feel like a kid again. Never mind Pakistan and Russia and Georgia and Iraq, he's out there taking his victory lap.
Back home there's trouble brewing. Barack Obama's campaign announced Tuesday the launch of "Republicans for Obama." The group is being spearheaded by former lawmaker Jim Leach of Iowa, former Rhode Island senator Lincoln Chaffee, and Rita Hauser, who was a prominent fundraiser for The Pinhead Regime. These are men who have seen the writing on the wall, most of it in crayon, telling them that the winds of change are blowing in a less conservative direction, away from the stink of the past eight years. Even Robert Novak noticed the trend when he coined the term, "Obamacons."
Meanwhile, back on the lone prairie, John McCain continues to do his best to appear as the candidate of change with his trusty sidekick, Joseph "Droopy Dog" Lieberman. That would make him a McCainocrat, except that Joe left the Democratic party after he lost his party's primary in 2006. He was elected to the Senate as an "independent Democrat." There has been some mild speculation that McCain might even pick Joe to be his running mate.
With all this confusion about "liberal Republicans" and "conservative Democrats," I begin to wonder if the clear distinction between parties is coming to an end. Partisan politics have brought us this far. Maybe it's time for a change.

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