Saturday, July 05, 2008

Jesse "The Body" Helms

Pinhead had this to say on the passing of Jesse Helms: "Throughout his long public career, Senator Jesse Helms was a tireless advocate for the people of North Carolina, a stalwart defender of limited government and free enterprise, a fearless defender of a culture of life, and an unwavering champion of those struggling for liberty." Keeping in mind that it is always best not to speak ill of the dead, it still makes me wonder if our President hasn't given up on being the U.S. record holder for worst leader ever. I think he's got his eyes on the world record.
In his senate campaign for senate in 1990, a Helms commercial showed a white fist crumpling up a job application, with these words underneath: "You needed that job ... but they had to give it to a minority." This was a man who likened abortion to the Holocaust and the September 11 terror attacks. Unwavering champion of what?
I suppose that it is incumbent upon a sitting president to comment on the death of someone who had spent as much time in public service as Jesse Helms did, but one wonders if the full accounting of that service was examined by Pinhead. Helms opposed civil rights and a holiday honoring the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. He was one of a small number of senators who opposed extending the Voting Rights Act in 1982. Take that, those of you struggling for liberty. Maybe the pointy-headed one should have left it to someone else to eulogize the Senator from North Carolina. Bob Dole said, "You don't have to look under the table for Jesse. You always knew where Jesse is." And now we don't have to look for Jesse anymore.

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