Monday, April 14, 2008

Some small-town voters...

Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances cling to membership in fraternal organizations that exclude women and minorities.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances turn to a life of crime.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances take up knitting.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances run for public office.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances volunteer for military service where they can cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances write beautiful poetry.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances write lengthy computer web-logs, or "blogs" about their situation.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances hold bake sales at their schools to help raise money to buy their children better playground equipment.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances chew sugarless gum.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances will make their choice for President the day they go to the polls.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances are more concerned with their vote for the next American Idol.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances wish the media would stop pestering them for comments about being small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances order from the catalog.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances will read this and laugh.
Some small-town voters bitter about their economic circumstances will be too busy.

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