Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Electoral College

I just got an e-mail informing me that the University of Colorado has named Bruce Benson as the twenty-second president of that august institution. I was so pleased to be informed of this that I set about scratching my head trying to remember who was president of the University of Colorado when I was actually attending the University of Colorado. A quick trip down Internet Way told me that there were actually three different presidents during my years of study: Arnold R. Weber (1980 - 1985), William H. Baughn (1985) and E. Gordon Gee (1985 - 1990). I didn't stick around for all of E. Gordon's term, but I do recall that when he left, he blew out of town, exchanging his buffalo bow tie and suspenders for a set of buckeye braces when he landed at Ohio State. I suppose I learned not to become too awfully attached to the President of the University from that experience.
Or maybe it was simply because I had no concrete notion of what the President of a University might do. Would it involve declaring wars on other institutions of higher learning? Would they be pardoning turkeys on the lawn in front of the library just before Thanksgiving? Would they attempt to force their vision of education on the poorer schools of the world? One thing is certain: They would have to be intimately involved with the finances of their institution. My marginally personal message from the University of Colorado Alumni Association informed me that "He (Benson) has clearly articulated his goal to further develop the substantial support needed to increase funding for CU and his critical role in raising funds to support the university's work."
And in the case of a hostile takeover of Ohio State University, I'm pretty sure our buffalo would seriously stomp that little buckeye. Take that, E. Gordon!

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