Friday, January 25, 2008

Weapons Of Mass Confusion

Get this: Saddam Hussein initially didn't think the U.S. would invade Iraq to destroy weapons of mass destruction, so he kept the fact that he had none a secret to prevent an Iranian invasion he believed could happen. As it turns out, his insanity was not quite on a par with that of the leader of the invading Americans. He had been hoping for more "shock and awe" aerial assault, not an occupying force of thousands. He had not counted on the resolve of the Coalition of the Willing, or the enduring patience of the citizens of the countries represented.
Near the end, he said that he hoped that his generals could hold off the invaders for two weeks, in order to give time for "the secret war" to begin. It's doubtful that Saddam would have encouraged the present insurgency, but at the time of his capture, he probably thought it was a swell idea.
Speaking of swell ideas, the Pinhead administration is willing to send a small number of U.S. combat troops to Pakistan to help fight the insurgency there if Pakistani authorities ask for such help. There's that word again: "willing". Are we really "willing" to send troops into yet another middle eastern state in hopes of putting down what is essentially a revolutionary movement? The good news is that we already know where Pakistan is keeping their weapons of mass destruction, so it should make the inspection process go a little quicker. Defense Secretary Robert "Stack" Gates said, "This is clearly an evolving issue. And what we have tried to communicate to the Pakistanis and essentially what we are saying here is we are prepared to look at a range of cooperation with them in a number of different areas, but at this point it's their nickel, and we await proposals or suggestions from them." If only Saddam Hussein had the foresight to ask the United States to help him rid his country of terrorists.

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