Tuesday, December 04, 2007

"A Big Mistake"

Sometimes the spin is enough to make you want to throw up. As the clock winds down on Pinhead's last four hundred-odd days, the wave of nausea that comes with each new utterance from the puppet regime of "Dick" Cheney. When those beady eyes stopped rolling around in his head and he stepped to the mike, Pinhead said Tuesday that Iran is dangerous and must be squeezed by international pressure despite a blockbuster intelligence finding that Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program four years ago.
Four years ago. 2003. Do the math. That takes up back before the last election. More to the point, it takes us back to the campaign before the last election. There was great sturm and drang over the need to build up troop levels in the Middle East to combat the threat of an Iraq armed with nuclear weapons. Four years ago is when they stopped their nuclear weapons program. Ooops.
Not to be deterred from stirring the fear pot, Pinhead announced, "Look, Iran was dangerous, Iran is dangerous and Iran will be dangerous if they have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon." What might have been the first good news to come out of that region for several hundred years was met with derision and ever more bristling tension. "So, I view this report as a warning signal that they had the program, they halted the program. And the reason why it's a warning signal is that they could restart it." I expect that they will be on that directly after their hydrogen fuel cell technology is up and running. Or maybe once they get the bugs worked out of their ethanol program.
Is it possible that the people of Iran would be happy to be free of the global scrutiny for just a little while and its government might just be willing to follow suit? Is it possible that the leaders of an economically challenged country might anticipate the difficulty to mounting a nuclear weapons program when forty percent of their population lives below the poverty line?
Anybody else remember a country in the Middle East that was reported, via U.S. Intelligence, to have had "weapons of mass destruction". Again: Ooops, and Ouch.

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