Monday, November 19, 2007

Stop Watch

It's just a clock on the wall
But it's ticking away - Tim McGraw, "Tickin' Away"
It's been about a year since I received my keychain clock, the one that keeps track of Pinhead's last day. Sometimes I use it for timing dinner, or it lets me know when I've spent too much time at my computer. It keeps track of time down to the hundredths of seconds. But I still don't know how accurate it is.
It feels like minutes and hours and entire days are being wedged back into the amount of time that the Pinhead regime remains in power. It's a little like the clock that tells you when school is going to be out. The big hand strains to make its way to straight up three o'clock, or the extra days that seem to crowd in before Christmas.
Over at the White House, it would seem that Christmas cannot come soon enough, at least for Fran Townsend. Ms. Townsend is ringing down the curtain on four and a half years of being the leading White House-based terrorism adviser. She has told colleagues she is looking for opportunities in the private sector. Does this mean that at long last terrorism has been defeated, and the only thing we have to fear are the next four hundred and twenty-seven days?
Not hardly. This is just another member of the Pinhead Club heading for the exit before the cops show up. Top aide and Satan Incarnate Karl Rove, along with press secretary Tony "You're Insulting Our Intelligence" Snow, Attorney General Alberto "I Don't Recall" Gonzales, Defense Secretary Donald "These are things we know that we know" Rumsfeld and senior presidential adviser Dan "it’s never been a stay-the-course strategy" Bartlett, have already left.
Quoth the Pinhead: "Fran always has provided wise counsel on how best to protect the American people from the threat of terrorism. She has been a steady leader in the effort to prevent and disrupt attacks and to better respond to natural disasters."
And the clock keeps ticking.

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