Thursday, November 15, 2007


A favorite "Peanuts" cartoon has Sally jumping rope in the first panel, shouting to her brother, "Lookit! Lookit! Lookit!" Charlie Brown, in the next panel does a slow burn as he tries to carry on a conversation with Linus while his sister continues to scream, "Lookit!" At last, Charlie wheels and shouts at his sister, "I'm LOOKITING!" In the final panel, a stunned Linus is left pondering, "Lookiting?"
That's what this week is shaping up to be: Lookiting. I am very fond of showing off my home and family to any and all who want to stop by for a visit, and I will be having that opportunity in large doses over the upcoming ten or so days. It begins with my mother who, along with my niece, will be spending the pre-Thanksgiving weekend with us. All the things that my mother taught me about making a house a home come flooding back to me, like keeping the front porch clean and tidy since it's the first impression your guests will remember. I only hope that my son will remember to put the seat back down.
After that, our pals from Oregon are coming to help us consume mass quantities of tryptophan as we watch another flurry of floats and football announce the closing of the year. The trick with these folks is that they are our architectural gurus, the ones who first set us off on our quest to carve and slice and dice our house to our own specifications. It was through their tutelage that we first cut a hole in our floor to create a laundry chute. Now, many years and cordless power tools later, who knows what kind of trouble we could get ourselves into over a long holiday weekend.
Through it all, I hope to remain humble and relaxed. I do want them lookiting, but I hope that they don't lookit too close.

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