Wednesday, October 17, 2007


There's a lot of hate in the world these days. Take this one, for example: "You Nazi, scum-sucking pigs. You're gonna pay dearly for stealing this dog from those little girls." This was the sound of a voice mail received by Mutts and Moms, a nonprofit dog-rescue organization. Okay, so maybe they're not just any nonprofit dog-rescue organization. These are the folks who gave a black Brussels Griffon mix terrier to Ellen DeGeneres and her partner, actress Portia de Rossi. The giving part was not what made them Nazis, nor did it cause them to spontaneously suck scum. It was taking the dog back when the was the part that got Marina Batkis and her partner, Vanessa Chekroun, into trouble.
When Iggy, the terrier in question, wasn't able to get along with DeGeneres' cats, the couple gave the dog to DeGeneres' hairdresser. That, Batkis pointed out, violated a written agreement de Rossi signed in which she agreed to return the dog to Mutts and Moms if the adoption didn't work out. I had my own experience with a dog rescue group, and after months of waiting and being observed and inspected, we were told that we might expect to have a bull terrier as they became available, but we really ought to consider whether or not we were ready for the responsibility of "bullie" ownership. We decided to get out of line at their window and head down to the local animal shelter where we auditioned a number of very lovely canines before settling on our most noble of pets, Madd. E. Gascar Caven.
I guess that having your own television show gives you a certain amount of leverage, and that can be used for causes good, evil, important, and trivial. It does seem to me that the folks at Mutts and Moms might be wound a little tight, but that's part of the deal. Looking up their phone number or e-mailing them to express your disappointment on Ellen's behalf seems a little excessive, considering that Ms. DeGeneres might be able to solve the problem in a more proactive way. I suspect that a trip to the Pasadena animal shelter would offer a great many furry solutions, if they were given a chance. Iggy, by all reports, has already found a new home, and now there is a chance for someone to make a mature and evolved choice.

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