Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Pinhead By Any Other Name...

...would sound as dim.
A lot of you have been stopping me on the street and asking me, "Why do you insist on referring to our President as 'Pinhead'? The man has a name, after all."
That's true, but until he returns to mangling shrubs with a chainsaw full-time, I feel this particualr epithet is (to borrow a phrase) fair and balanced. Let's take a look at just what makes the leader of the Free World a Pinhead:
He's smug. I took the time this morning to watch an entire news conference. This is something I tend to avoid since it stirs my bile and gall at the same time and while it is important to keep one's humours vital, I would rather read a transcript instead of looking into those beady eyes and wincing in anticipation of that ever-present smirk. He was asked about U.S. Intelligence reports show that the Al-Qaida network that launched the most devastating terror attack on U.S. soil has been able to regroup despite nearly six years of bombings, war and other tactics aimed at dismantling it. Pinhead responded, "Because of the actions we've taken, Al-Qaida is weaker today than they would have been," he said. "They are still a threat. They are still dangerous. And that is why it is important that we succeed in Afghanistan and Iraq and anywhere else we find them."
He's patronizing. The Yosemite Sam chuckle that accompanies most of the answers that he gives to any question imply that he knows better than you. Even though the people he works for (us) have loudly expressed our disapproval, he assures us (us) that he knows best. "When we start drawing down our forces in Iraq, it will (be) because our military commanders say the conditions on the ground are right, not because pollsters say it'll be good politics." He is the President, after all. They wouldn't let a Pinhead do this job, would they?
He's condescending. The rules say that reporters have to address him as "Mister President" and he gets to call them by their first names. It gives the impression of intimacy that is clearly nonexistent. He's doing us all a favor by making time to come out and answer a few questions. Smirking, chuckling and shaking his head all the while.
The report issued today credited the Iraqi government with satisfactory progress on eight benchmarks, unsatisfactory progress on another eight and mixed results on the other two. The war that has taken the lives of more than three thousand U.S. troops is costing the United States an estimated ten billion dollars a month. You don't have to be a Pinhead to make sense out of that, but it seems to help.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    He's also a buck passer. When asked whether or not there were sufficient troop levels at the start of this fiasco, he pinned it on Tommy Franks, who was "was obviously in charge." Funny how he didn't take this opportunity to remind us he's the commander in chief.
