Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Morning Commute

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
You remember those words, don't you? They show up right after the introduction to that breakaway best-seller, "The Declaration of Independence". It was some of Tom Jefferson's best work. It was probably what was swirling around the space between Pinhead's ears on Monday when he decided to commute Scooter "Lewis" Libby's sentence in the CIA leak case. As a result, none of the thirty months (two and a half years) will be served by the former chief of staff for Dick "Dick" Cheney. "I respect the jury's verdict," Pinhead said in a written statement (probably in crayon). "But I have concluded that the prison sentence given to Mr. Libby is excessive. Therefore, I am commuting the portion of Mr. Libby's sentence that required him to spend 30 months in prison." The Pinhead-In-Chief left intact a 250,000 dollar fine and two years probation for his conviction of lying and obstructing justice in a probe into the leak of a CIA operative's identity. Libby's Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness were also left profoundly intact.
Be honest. You expected this, right? How much lower in the public opinion well could Pinhead go? Why not keep digging? They sent Paris Hilton back to jail. She violated her parole. Scooter obstructed justice. On the bright side, we can all look on this as a test of our nation's strength and resolve to hold itself together as some of the tiniest brains on the planet continue to drive the ship of state downriver toward the obligatory waterfall. Hold on tight!

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