Tuesday, June 05, 2007

You're Either On The Bus, Or You're Off The Bus

The "Straight Talk Express" is rolling again. John McCain and his busload of faith is heading to a neighborhood near you, so keep out those streets, and watch for stragglers. I used to be a fan of the Senator from Arizona. I found him to be a clear-thinking palate-cleansing sorbet from the rabid neo-cons who have been ruling the Republican roost for so long. The there was the little reconnect to Jerry Falwell about a year ago, and and a special guest shot on the Liberty University Commencement. McCain said speaking at Liberty University does not mean he endorses Falwell's views. He's also speaking at liberal universities despite disagreeing with their policies that bar military recruiters. "I'm not trying to make up to anyone, either liberal or conservative or anyone else," McCain said.
I guess that's good news, considering the mild revelation that came out Tuesday night that he voted to authorize the U.S. military invasion of Iraq without reading the formal National Intelligence Estimate in advance. Both McCain and Sam Brownback (of Kansas) said they had received numerous briefings on the situation in Iraq before they cast their votes in 2002. McCain said the invasion was the correct decision, arguing that international sanctions designed to prevent Saddam Hussein from developing weapons of mass destruction were breaking down. "Presidents don't lose wars. Political parties don't lose wars. Nations lose wars," he added.
Hey John, maybe if we had decent intelligence, or heaven forbid, we read that intelligence, we wouldn't be knee-deep in a war we are "failing to win". Roll on, big fella.

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