Friday, June 08, 2007

Up From The Deep

Newt Gingrich is predicting GOP losses in 2008. The architect and spokesperson for the Republican Revolution is ready to throw in the towel a year and a half before the next election. "If the Republicans run a stand-pat presidential candidate who ends up being on defense for all of September and October and who is seen by the country as representing four more years, the fact is that Republicans are not going to win." The former Speaker of the House is rumored to be considering his own run at the presidency, keeping us all in suspense until this fall.
Lately, Newt (the politician, not the salamander) has been describing the White House as dysfunctional and saying the president has driven the party into collapse. This is nothing new for him, since this is essentially the song he sang while Bill Clinton was in office, it's just that the political party in question is no longer the Democrats, but his party of choice (not that there was ever a lot of "choice" in the Republican party).
And what kind of candidacy would this salamander off us? Newt says he would shut down public schools that aren't performing and offer a twenty billion dollar reward for the first private company that successfully completes a Mars mission. "Somebody would be there and back about forty percent of the way into the NASA process." It always gladdens my heart when someone sneers at education and our space program in the same platform.
"Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it." - Willy Wonka

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