Sunday, June 10, 2007

Fourth And Long

"I would leave no troops in Iraq whatsoever," presidential candidate Bill Richardson said. "The difference between me and the other candidates is, they would leave troops there indefinitely, and I would not."
Here's what I think: Remember back in 1984 when the Baltimore Colts packed up all their helmets, pads and jockstraps into trucks and sneaked out of town? They moved down I-70 in the middle of the night and set up shop in Indianapolis. The humanitarian crisis that occurred as a result of this surreptitious departure was never fully realized, since the Cleveland Browns made a very similar move ten years later, filling the void felt in Baltimore. Eventually, order was restored when yet another franchise sprang from the seeds left in Cleveland.
I think the U.S. Army should pack up their guns and kevlar and move under cover of night to Darfur. They can become peacekeepers there, assist with humanitarian aid, and then when all wrongs have been righted, head home to begin dismantling the vast military industrial complex that has held us captive for the past hundred years.
Simple minded and ridiculous? Yes. I would agree, though it competes on a level of complexity that the current administration is familiar. And by the way - the Baltimore Ravens and the Indianapolis Colts have won the Super Bowl. How about that?

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