Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Political Science 2007

A few years back, 1972 to be precise, Randy Newman put a fine point on the absurdity of the nuclear arms race in his song "Political Science". Over the course of this bouncy little tune, Randy implores us to "drop the big one now." His reasoning? "They all hate us anyhow." For thirty-five years, we've had a nice little soft-shoe to dance on the edge of Armageddon while we try to imagine a better world.
Back here in 2007, President Pinhead said today efforts to pull troops home from Iraq only make the U.S. more vulnerable to attack from an enemy that is "pure evil." I get the impression from him that Iraq is full of faceless, soulless creatures bent on the annihilation of all that is good and true on the planet: Red Lectroids, Nazgul, or maybe Amway distributors. Pinhead told a horrific tale in Iraq — one in which terrorists put children in a car to get through a checkpoint, then exploded the vehicle — to describe why he won't pull back. "It makes me realize the nature of the enemy we face, which hardens my resolve to protect the American people," Bush said. "People who do that are not — it's not a civil war, it is pure evil. And I believe we have an obligation to protect ourselves from that evil."
After pleading his case in front of a captive audience of combat troops at Fort Irwin, he left the Mojave Desert for the upscale Brentwood section of Los Angeles. There, at the home of friend Brad Freeman, he hoped to raise $2.2 million for the Republican National Committee before flying to his family ranch in Crawford, Texas. Are you afraid now?
And now back to Mister Newman. He's written a new song. It's called "A Few Words In Defense Of Our Country". Here's what he has to say to the new millennium:
A president once said,“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
Now it seems like we’re supposed to be afraid
It’s patriotic in fact and color coded
And what are we supposed to be afraid of?
Why, of being afraid
That’s what terror means, doesn’t it?
That’s what it used to mean
Come on everybody, let's sing along!

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