Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Thank You For Your Support

I am a registered Democrat. That doesn't have nearly the sting it had just two short years ago, but I feel as though I still have a lot left to live down before the next two years are through. Someone has to step up and grab that brass ring, and the sad fact of our process is that Democrats are going to have to beat each other silly through a series of contentious primaries before we have a chance to see how our candidate stacks up against "theirs."
Now, as a point of further confession, I will admit to being a fan of John Edwards. This is based almost exclusively on the fact that he declared his 2004 candidacy for president on "The Daily Show." Back in 2003, Jon Stewart asked Senator Edwards why he was announcing his candidacy when it was clear he was already running. Edwards replied, "I don't know if you've been following the polls, but I think it will actually be news to most people that I'm running for president of the United States."
That was one ugly election ago, and now John is back in the race, and this time there is plenty of fanfare accompanying his campaign. In case you missed it, his wife's diagnosis of terminal cancer has done nothing but energize their effort. Since last Thursday, Edwards has collected about $540,000 online. That's Hillary-type money. That's Obama-type money. This is the part where it starts to feel a little like a telethon. Are we supporting John Edwards' agenda, or the courage of his valiant wife?
And now the third part of the confession: I'm not so sure I'm a John Edwards fan anymore. As a husband, I can't imagine what a career-affirming moment if must have been for John to get the world's greatest "attaboy" from his wife. I also can't imagine that becoming leader of the free world would replace a single moment that I could have shared with my wife. Yes, I understand that she is completely invested in her husband's vision for the country. Yes, I understand that they must have spent many sleepless nights discussing their possible futures. Yes, I understand that they are consenting adults. Sorry, the whole thing makes me feel buckets of creepy. In the meantime, I wish them both well, and I think I'll wait for Jon Stewart to introduce me to my next dark horse.

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