Thursday, February 01, 2007

Open Mouth, Insert Foot, Shoot Foot

Maybe Joe Biden had another brain aneurysm: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." Oh Joe - What exactly did you mean?
In the latest non-event to involve Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama, Senator Joe Biden referred to his junior colleague in terms that made all of us huddled around our radios lean forward in anticipation. Did he really say that? Bright and clean? Is he a candidate or a floor wax? Is he running against him or does he want to date him? "My mother has an expression: clean as a whistle, sharp as a tack," Biden said. Any guesses how many times mom used this in reference to her boy Joe?
Still, after all it's just another in what will no doubt be a long, two year span of politicians clarifying just exactly what they meant. "When I said that 'Senator Clinton had a pretty good arm for a girl.' I was merely suggesting that she would make one heck of a utility infielder - not that there's anything wrong with that." Those allegations that Barack Obama was educated in a radical Muslim school known as a "madrassa" are not accurate, according to CNN reporting. The key word here would be "reporting." Fox News was more than happy to play the "telephone game" by repeating opinions generated from hearing about an article in Insight magazine. Even Insight was more than happy (a week later) to back way off those claims. The junior senator from Illinois is not a one-man sleeper cell.
Meanwhile, back in the halls of the Capitol, one could probably slice up the tension between the Biden and Obama camps with a scimitar. "He called me," Obama said. "I told him it wasn't necessary. We have got more important things to worry about. We have got Iraq. We have got health care. We have got energy. This is low on the list." Maybe for you, but we've got twenty-four hours of cable news time to fill. Couldn't you be just a little more incensed - you know - for the viewers at home?

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