Friday, January 26, 2007

Humility Benchmark

President Pinhead has decided to accept the Republican version of the House resolution to set "benchmarks" for progress in his plan to send more troops to Iraq. How very noble of him. Add this to his utterance of the words "global warming" the other night in the State of the Union address, and one might think that he was becoming almost contrite. Don't worry, it won't last long.
"He said, 'I have faith in the leaders to craft a proposal, because I know in their hearts they want this country to succeed,"' said Eric Cantor, House Republican chief deputy whip from Virginia. Once again, the question of which country is he referring to comes to mind. The one with the civil war, or the one with the massive public image problem?
The part about this that struck me closest to where I live is the "benchmark" idea. Teachers give their kids benchmark tests to document their progress. Not necessarily for the kids, but for the bureaucrats who insist that No Child wild be Left Behind. Benchmarks are the proof that we are doing our job - really. Don't we want our armed forces to be as accountable as our schools?
Pinhead had this to say after meeting for two hours with his fellow Republicans: "If failure is not an option, then it's up to the president to come up with a plan that is more likely to succeed."
While many of the president's lines drew applause, lawmakers sat in silence after he said that.
First benchmark - achieved.

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