Monday, November 06, 2006

Proud To Be An American

Bill Clinton called yesterday. I was so excited, I forgot what he wanted me to vote for. Over the past few days, a number of very important people have taken time out of their busy days to remind me how to vote. But heck, this was the President of the United States calling. How could I say no?
Truth is, I will probably play it pretty straight down the middle, Democrat-wise. I vote early, but not often. I like to think that my vote counts more if I'm there when the doors open. I suppose that if I was really interested in getting my ballot in first, I could go the absentee route, mailing my wishes for a better world out into the electoral ether. Someday I suspect that we'll be using Al Gore's Internet to cast our ballots, while we're taking a break from managing our Netflix queue. That would be sometime after they figure out the whole paper trail problem.
I like the booth experience too much anyway. From the 100 Foot Limit signs that keep my rights from being infringed, to the little American flags hanging around the doorway. Once I'm inside, I greet my neighborhood poll workers with a smile. If I'm here to do my civic duty, these folks are hall of fame. Tomorrow will be a biggie - lots of measures to be decided, senators, representatives, and even the governor. They should be busy. That's not always the case. When we elected a new mayor last year, you could have fired a cannon down the aisle between the voting stations without harming a single citizen.
Not that I'm recommending artillery as a means of exit polling. And I'm pretty sure that Bill would back me up on this one too.

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