Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Wondering Around

What is really wondrous about our modern world? According to those in the know, starting with a group called the American Society of Civil Engineers, this list should include the Channel Tunnel (England & France), the CN Tower (Toronto), our own Empire State Building (New York) and Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), the Itaipu Dam (Brazil/Paraguay), Netherlands' North Sea Protection Works (Netherlands), Panama's eponymous Canal. Kind of tough to argue with that - from an engineering standpoint, anyway. It compares easily to the list of Ancient Wonders: The Pyramids of Egypt, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Colossus of Rhodes, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, The Mausoleum of Helicarnassus, and the Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria. All pretty snazzy creations in their time, wouldn't you agree?
There are those who would include the Statue of Liberty on the new list. Or the Sydney Opera House. Just recently, Stonehenge has been getting a big push to join the list. Way to go, you nutty druids!
Still, I have a hard time getting out of town, let alone across the United States, or around the world. I would prefer a more concise list. That's why I suggest a more relevant list, for me.
The Seven Wonders of Dave's World:
Velcro - Can you believe people used to button things, or tie their shoes?
Twinkies - In the event of an atomic war, they become legal tender for surviving cockroaches.
William Shatner's Toupee - Much more versatile and enduring than Bill himself.
Tivo - Now you can watch TV all day and only watch the commercials that your wife thinks are really funny.
Sawzall - I always knew that home demolition would be fulfilling, but a reciprocating saw means never having to say you're sorry.
Call Waiting - Now you have an excuse for hanging up.
I don't know about you, but this list keeps me wondering.

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