Friday, October 06, 2006


"I like to tell people when the final history is written on Iraq, it will look like just a comma because there is -- my point is, there's a strong will for democracy."
From the UPI: U.S President George (Pinhead) Bush's comment in Arizona that the Iraq war would be "just a comma" in history books became more an exclamation point in lively debate.
Do we need more proof of just exactly what sort of Pinhead has taken up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Tiny-brained, heartless Pinhead with the moral conscience and historical perspective of non-stick cookware. Pinhead's handlers are quick to try to shoot down the "hidden message" suggestion and the Washington Post pointed out it originated with comedian Gracie Allen and no religious text. Many religious Web sites, on the left and on the right, use Gracie's original quote: "Never place a period where God has placed a comma." The Great Communicator, Ronald "Gumby" Reagan would at least have given it a better line reading. Instead, we are left with a sloppy rendition of a partially formed thought. The Christian take on the phrase is that Jesus's death was the comma and that the rest of the world moved on from that moment in time.
That's comforting. Is Pinhead suggesting that the ill-advised and worse-fated mission into Iraq is in any way comparable to the resurrection? Or is he simply grasping at verbal straws as his approval rating shrivels and his part begins to pack their bags? Sadly, it would seem that this guy trips and falls on his own sword much more often than history's most noble klutz, Gerald Ford. Suggesting that Pinhead was sending some kind of hidden message would be akin to suggesting that Jerry, while being very athletic, was in fact quite graceful. Let's give credit where (and when) credit is due, shall we? Say goodnight, Gracie.

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