Thursday, July 20, 2006

What Happens In St. Petersburg Stays In St. Petersburg

Slow news day? I suppose you could say that, since even though half the world sits ready to blow the other half into tiny bits, and we still haven's seen little Suri Cruise...
So why do we clamor for this tiny bit of Russian video? It shows the leader of the free world (our President Pinhead) walking behind the German Chancellor and giving her a surprise neck rub. Without the audio, one can only assume that he accompanied it with some sweet come on like "Hey, Angie, I've got a massage for you. Heh, heh. Get it? Massage?"
Suddenly Pinhead's open-mike remarks aired previously start to pale by comparison. At least he seemed to have notion that he was head of state - angrily denouncing the Syrians, then complimenting his boy-toy Blair on the selection of his gift sweater. That seemed somehow appropriate in the vaguest possible way. Now we have a frat boy for a chief executive. Sure, maybe he detected some sort of distress in Chancellor Merkel from across the room and moved quickly to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Or maybe he was just looking for a way to "break down that Berlin Wall" - Angela's so serious all the time. Maybe he groped Vladimir Putin just for good measure. Maybe somebody dropped a roofie in his Diet Coke. Maybe God spoke to him and told him to fondle the nearest Teuton. Maybe we have a pinhead for a president.
GOP commentator and Fox News political analyst Karen Hanretty said the outraged reaction shows how "President Bush just can't win."
"Aren't these the same women who have been angry about cowboy diplomacy?" she asked. "Do they want a kinder, more sensitive Bush -- or a cowboy? Once again, there's no pleasing women," she said. "Give them the cowboy and they want Alan Alda.''
Actually, right now I'd settle for that guy who's in the movie "An Inconvenient Truth."

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