Monday, July 17, 2006

Shooting Off His Mouth

"See the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this s--- and it's over," Bush told Blair as he chewed on a buttered roll.
This was the choice "open mike" moment from President Pinhead during the closing lunch at the Group of Eight summit. His faithful lapdog Tony reached over after a moment and turned the microphone off, cutting short our window into "The Decider's" plans for world domination. He expressed amazement that it will take some leaders as many as eight hours to fly home — about the same time it will take Air Force One with Bush aboard to return to Washington.
"You eight hours? Me, too. Russia's a big country and you're a big country," Bush said, at one point telling a waiter he wanted Diet Coke. "Takes him eight hours to fly home. Russia's big and so is China. Yeah Blair, what're you doing? Are you leaving."
Pinhead in Chief thanked his lapdog Tony for the gift of a sweater and joked that he knew Blair had picked it out personally. "Absolutely," Blair responded, with a laugh.
I've never cared for Diet Coke myself, but I can't say that I have a fundamental disagreement with his view of Syria's involvement. Here's the difference: I'm a fourth grade teacher with a blog, and (God Help Us) he's leader of the free world. Wasn't this the guy who just a short while ago said that he regretted his "tough talk" about conflicts in the Middle East? I guess that only counts when the microphone is on.
So here's my theory: This president believes he was called by God to lead the nation at this time, says Commerce Secretary Don Evans, a close friend who talks with him every day. I believe a borderline personality that hears voices might just believe that he's bringing on the Rapture. What's more frightening than a Pinhead in charge of the free world? A religious zealot of a Pinhead in charge of the free world.

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