Friday, June 16, 2006


This week the United States moved to restrict media access to the military prison at Guantanamo. Prior to this week, journalists could not talk to detainees, they had to be accompanied by a military escort and their photos were censored. Now, the Pentagon has shut down access entirely. This action comes in the wake of the much publicized suicides of three prisoners at the facility last week. Pentagon officials defended the temporary ban on media, saying guards and base officials are preoccupied with investigating the deaths and maintaining security as detainees become more defiant. A clash with guards in May left six detainees injured. Another 10 prisoners were on hunger strike Thursday, including six being force-fed with nasal tubes.
It's an old Jedi mind trick: "These aren't the detainees you're looking for."
Meanwhile, flashbulbs were a-poppin' for President Pinheads surprise visit to Iraq. As he shook hands with a beaming Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, he said, "Thanks for having me." Shucks, Mister President, it's not like we have a whole lot of choice, what with your army occupying us and all.
Two days later, on the day the U.S. military death toll in Iraq reached 2,500, Senate Republicans moved to renounce calls for a quick withdrawal from the conflict by forcing a vote on an amendment from Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry to pull out of Iraq by year's end. It was Pinhead's administration that accused the detainees who hanged themselves of making a "PR stunt." The President has not visited Iraq since a hush-hush photo opportunity for Thanksgiving dinner in 2003. Why now? The jaded and cynical type might feel that they were being jerked around by a Machiavellian government. Hey, look over here at this shiny thing! No, really! Shiny! Did I mention flag burning is bad? Did I mention flag burning gays who want to get married are even worse? Satisfied? Good. Now, back to work on that two thousand mile fence on the Mexican border.

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