Friday, June 23, 2006

Force Fields

Anybody who has a sibling has probably at some time or another played this game:
"Stop touching me!" screams sibling one.
Sibling two moves within fractions of an inch of sibling one, and then proceeds to move an extended index finger to points even closer to sibling one's person, but maintaining the faintest trace of a "no-touch zone." As this harassment continues, sibling two calmly assures anyone who is willing to listen, "I'm not touching you."
"Stop touching me!"
"I'm not touching you," as the torment continues.
Sometimes mom has to get involved. "Are you touching him?"
"No, mom."
"Is he touching you?"
"Yes - no -he's annoying me."
"Stop touching your brother."
"I'm not touching him."
And so on. You get the picture. Now Treasury Secretary John Snow says a program tracking millions of financial transactions was not invasion of privacy of Americans but "government at its best" and vital to the war on terrorism. They're not touching you. Disclosure of the program comes on the heels of intense controversy over President Pinhead's ordering of National Security Agency surveillance of telephone calls and e-mails of private citizens. Again, they're not touching you.

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