Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Axis Update!

Karl Rove isn't being indicted. Al-Zarqawi has a big red "x" over his face in Time magazine. America's missile defense system is being activated. Hello? What was that? And things have been going so very well for President Pinhead this past week. The United States has activated its ground-based interceptor missile-defense system amid concerns over an expected North Korean missile launch.
This whole time we've been trying to keep our thumb on one third of the "axis of evil," the other two thirds have been busy making nuclear weapons and throwing them around with reckless abandon. Do you ever get the impression that we took on the country that seemed like it would give us the fewest problems first? I do. North Korea has weapons of mass destruction and they're not above showcasing them for all the world to see. Hans Blix could have found these babies with his glasses off at night in a driving hail storm. Folks up in Alaska are rightly nervous about this little update.
Meanwhile, Iran continues to play us like a cheap violin as the rest of the world politely snickers behind their hands. It's pretty apparent that we have our hands full with Iraqi insurgents, so any threats on our part would be hard to back up. "It's as though some have forgotten that the time of threats is over. Threats are unacceptable in today's world," said Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, adding that "the political rights of Iran must be respected." Oops, there you go getting all diplomatic on us. Shame on you.
Back on the missile defense system, John Isaacs, executive director of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, suggested, "This is a perfect international Kabuki dance. The North Koreans may test a missile that they will have no idea will work in the real world and the United States has a missile defense which we have no notion whether it will defend against the North Koreans. It is perfect symmetry."
Perfect? Well maybe for someone.

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