Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Win Friends and Influence People

Fourth graders are supposed to be able to write persuasive letters. In the beginning of the year I teach them that if they are very clever, they can get free stuff. A couple of my students were able to wring a few stickers and a book cover out of the Oakland Raiders. A few more wrote to See's Candies and were sent information about factory tours as well as a few free samples of their caramel suckers. An even larger group wrote to Jelly Belly and came away with a bag of jelly beans and a "recipe book" for mixing certain flavors to get mixes like S'mores or Margarita. For the price of a stamp.
This year is winding down, so I trotted out one of my favorite lessons: Write a persuasive letter explaining "Why I should pass fourth grade." It's always a bit of an eye-opener, starting with the spelling of "forth grade." Still, there are always some gems:
"I'm not really good at long division or 3-digit multiplication. Look on the bright side - I'm great in spelling, language arts and comprehension."
"I want to pass fourt grade because I will go on with my life to get a job."
"If you don't pass me I might be in your class again, so that's why you should pass me."
"I made a promise to try to learn and to try to be smart for my family. I'll do it! This is my dream, my life, my responsibility."
I have three weeks left with this group, and I think I'll pass everyone - everyone who bothered to turn in the assignment, that is.

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