Friday, May 26, 2006

What I Believe

President Pinhead believes he may had made a mistake when back in July 2003, the tough-talking Texan responded to a question about the emerging Iraqi insurgency by saying "bring 'em on." Steve Martin once suggested "...I believe I made a mistake when I bought a 30-story, one-bedroom apartment." Hey, we all make mistakes, right?
I suppose the right thing to do here would be to appear gracious and appreciate his 20-20 hindsight. At a joint news conference with his personal English Lapdog Tony Blair, after three years of war that has killed more than 2,400 Americans and thousands of Iraqis, Bush said that remark was "kind of tough talk, you know, that sent the wrong message to people." Somewhat in the same vein as "Mission Accomplished" - that was three years ago too.
More from Steve: "And I believe that the "Battle of the Network Stars" should be fought with guns." Again, pretty tough talk from a guy who got his start making funny balloon animals at Disneyland. Wait a second - Steve Martin is a comedian. George P.H. Bush is nominally the leader of the free world. He also cited the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal as "the biggest mistake that's happened so far, at least from our country's involvement in Iraq ... We've been paying for that for a long period of time," he said. Suddenly this guy is awash in humility and retrospection.
Steve again: "And I believe that Ronald Reagan (George W. Bush) can make this country what it once was: an arctic region, covered with ice."
Said Bush: "Listen, I want our troops out -- don't get me wrong. I understand what it means to have troops in harm's way ... But I also understand that it is vital that we do the job, that we complete the mission."
Okay, which one is supposed to be funny?

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