Tuesday, April 04, 2006


We're not going to have Tom DeLay to kick around anymore. "The Hammer" will not be seeking re-election to his seat in the House of Representatives. Last year Tommy lost his post as Republican majority leader in the House after he was indicted for alleged election law violations and was implicated in the expanding Abramoff scandal. If every picture tells a story, then you really need to check out this guy's mug shot from the day that he surrendered to authorities on those charges. He looks alarmingly chipper for someone who was just booked on conspiracy and money laundering charges.
Even though he had vowed to stay and fight the good fight, Tom is packing it in as yet another one of his top aides pleaded guilty to crimes connected to the corruption scandal surrounding convicted mega-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Still, it makes you wonder, since in early March he easily beat three Texas primary foes in his first election since the indictment. I guess Texas voters are more forgiving than most.
Now he's leaving that all behind. He is planning on quitting at the end of May, after all the spending bills have been pushed through the House Appropriations Committee (of which he is a member). In announcing his retirement, DeLay said he would move to his Virginia home and work promoting conservative causes. If that includes money laundering and conspiracy, I think they've got their man.

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