Thursday, April 13, 2006

Brokeback Galaxy

There is every reason to believe that without the aid of mind-altering chemicals I took one evening that I would never have fully understood just how queer James T. Kirk and Spock were queer for each other. I might have made the connection while I was straight, but something about the altered perspective of that night gave me new insight on the relationship between the Captain and his Science Officer.
The episode we stumbled on was "Amok Time." If you're not familiar with the original series, this is the one where Kirk discovers that Spock gets very cranky if he doesn't get his pointy little ears tickled every seven years or so. They change course (against Starfleet's command) to Vulcan, where we get a taste of arranged marriage, Vulcan-style. What plays out is vaguely reminiscent of "Fiddler on the Roof" - with Spock's intended choosing Kirk as her champion to battle his best friend for this woman he's never met. It gets Kirk's uniform torn, but also gets him dead. Or he appears to be. That wily Bones slips Kirk a Mickey to get him to look dead long enough to creep everybody out and send them back to the Enterprise where Spock is reunited with - Surprise! - a hale and hearty James T. Kirk. The payoff is when Kirk comes around the corner and Spock lurches forward, "Jim!" and you know that we were only an NBC censor away from TV's first man-on-Vulcan kiss. Of course, Spock abruptly regains his composure and Bones (isn't that name enough of a tip-off?) starts to rag on him about it.
And it's not just Spock who is holding it in. Check out the last reel of "Wrath of Kahn" for some serious male longing. After Spock gives his life to save the ship (come to think of it, both of these guys were a little too married to their jobs to ever really commit), Kirk gives his half-human friend and longtime companion a loving send-off to the strains of "Amazing Grace" (on bagpipes): "Of all the souls that I have encountered in my travels across the galaxy, his was the most," wait for it, "human!" I would suggest that he could have been more succinct by growling, "I can't quit you, you crazy half-breed!"

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