Saturday, March 18, 2006


It was suggested that my son might be my "shadow MC" last night at the annual Dads' Club Variety show. My wife has since revised that sentiment to say that I was "overshadowed" by my son as MC last night. An intimidating thought, and one not completely without merit.
A week or so ago when he came to me and said that he might like to "go onstage and tell some jokes with you," I imagined that he might come along to the dress rehearsal hand hang around with dad while I warmed up the acts and started working out my opening remarks. I thought he would probably realize just how much time the Master of Ceremonies spends in the spotlight, and start to reconsider his plan. My son is a very clever kid, but has not always been prone to fits of exhibitionism. For the past three years when it was suggested that he get an act together with his friends, he has played the "shy" card. This year at the auditions, he seemed on the verge of working up an act with an older kid (a sixth grader) who might accompany him on guitar while he played Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water" on the piano. He got "a little nervous" and bailed on the audition. No big deal, he's not quite nine. There will be more chances for showing off his considerable talents.
Who would have thought that time would be last night? He was there, with a list of jokes he created and consulted on with his mother. He wore a great big jacket, and made every cue. He didn't chew gum on stage. He got big laughs. He won three free ice cream bars in the raffle. He made me look good. He made me extraordinarily proud.
Next year I hope he does play "Smoke on the Water" with his buddy. If he tries out for the MC, I might be out of a gig.

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