Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to 2006

"Nothing changes on New Year's Day." - U2
Right after "Auld Lang Syne," this is the song that shows up in my head as we begin another trip around the sun. It's interesting how nihilistic that sounds, coming from Bono - recently crowned one of the "People of the Year" by Time magazine for his humanitarian efforts. Still, it's kind of hard to argue the point.
A quick look out the window shows the lawn is where I left it, though the grass may be slightly longer, and the trees have failed to burst into full bloom. All is quiet on New Year's Day. Again, this makes sense, considering the late nights that most of our neighbors had clanging and hollering and exploding and honking. I was out in our front yard this morning taking down the yards and yards of twinkle lights that have festooned our house since the day after Thanksgiving. I had a twinge of sadness as I brought down the last string. An unfestooned house is a lonely house.
Here in California, we brace for another winter storm. President Pinhead continues to defend his domestic spying program. My son catches up on his television for the week. My wife takes a nap. The dog waits for the next meal.
Last night my wife was anxiously trying to get us all to come up with predictions and resolutions for 2006. I said that I predicted that my wife would be disappointed at my lack of resolutions. This is a metaphorical fresh start, since the messes I made in 2005 are still waiting to be straightened out, and the plans I made in 2005 are waiting for me to bring them to fruition. It's a fresh start and a whole lot of work ahead - at home, at work, in the world. It's a brand new year.
"Under a blood red sky
A crowd has gathered in black and white
Arms entwined, the chosen few
The newspapers says, says
Say it's true it's true...
And we can break through
Though torn in two
We can be one"
- "New Year's Day" - U2

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